Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Reason I Killed The Python

Well a lot of people right now are saying why I killed the sacred python and that if its true that I ate the python and that my father has cursed me because of this? Well the answer is simple, I wanted to let them know that there is only one god and that’s the holy lord. There is No other god or the gods of the sun, moon, or of the water and that my father is the priest of the snake cult. The royal python addressed as “Our Father” was the most revered animal in our village in Mbanta and all of our surrounding clans.  Which I had to kill so that they would stop worshiping them and it was okay since I’m a Christian. Plus why should they believe that there is more then on god, when they gave us a piece of the evil forest to built the church. They thought the evil sprits would kill us because they believe we would have no power over the evil sprits. The bad thing about is that our god the holy lord protected us from the evil sprites. If you wanted to be Christian you would not be able to worship other animals or other gods. So I kill the royal python. The reason was so they would not worship it as another god. As my people say “he who worships others are back stabbers to the church”. A lot of people say that I just bought a one-way ticket to the evil forest, but I don’t believe in that so I don’t have to worry about that. My main reason I killed the royal python was so I could show that their gods were false. When I say that I hope I can get more followers and get some more teachers to teach the word the lord to people of the clan. Knowing that okonkwo would be mad I have deicide to leave in a few days so I can be in a safe area away from okonkwo.      

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